Rose Lounsbury, Minimalism Coach

Who are you?

I’m Rose Lounsbury, a minimalism and simplicity coach, 2018 TEDx Dayton speaker, and author of the Amazon bestselling Less: Minimalism for Real. After blogging about my personal journey toward a minimalist lifestyle, I was inspired help others simplify their lives by owning less stuff. I spend my days writing, coaching my clients to stuff-free freedom, and soaking up the moments with my husband and wild triplets in lovely Oakwood, Ohio. I’m a regular guest on Fox News Good Day Columbus and has also been featured on NPR, Good Morning Cincinnati, and Living Dayton. Come say hello to me on online at 

What do you do?

I help people declutter their spaces and schedules so they can enjoy more peace of mind, productivity, and room to breathe. I can work side-by-side or virtually with clients to help them cut through the chaos and create order in their homes and offices. I also offer online courses that teach my tried-and-true decluttering methods to anyone with an Internet connection. And I love talking about minimalism, so I offer a variety of speaking topics about minimalism and simplicity for businesses and organizations. 

What makes your business special?

My business was born out of a very personal need — to balance my work and family life better. I started my minimalism blog in 2012 when my triplets were 2 years old and I had recently returned to work full-time. I realized that, in order to create some semblance of work/life balance, I had to get a handle on all the excess “stuff” that was absorbing my time. As I started to shed my excess things, I began to experience a sense of freedom and peace of mind that I didn’t know existed. As a result, I wanted to share this with others; thus, a small business was born! 

What do you love about Dayton?

Oh man, so much! I love our history of innovation and creativity. Every time I hear the Wright brothers mentioned in books or media, I’m proud to live in walking distance of their Oakwood home. I love that Dayton is a friendly place to live, a place where neighbors truly reach out to help each other. I love the focus on education with two large universities and a thriving community college in our midst. And I love Dayton’s downtown arts scene, with a beautiful museum, philharmonic orchestra, ballet company, and several theater groups.